Lung cancer is when abnormal cancer cells in the lungs proliferate irregularly, forming masses and harming the human body. Lung cancer is also found confined to the lungs. However, lung cancer can spread not only to the opposite lung but also to the entire body, including bones, liver, adrenal glands, kidneys, brain, and spinal cord, through lymph glands or blood. In the United States, 99,000 men and 78,000 women are diagnosed with lung cancer annually, and 86 percent die within five years of diagnosis. According to statistics on the classification of Korean deaths, lung cancer is continuously increasing, and mortality is also steadily increasing. Smoking is the biggest cause of lung cancer. Smokers are known to have a 15-80 times higher risk of developing lung cancer than non-smokers. Environmental factors such as air pollution are also related to lung cancer. On the other hand, depending on the job, exposure to substances such as asbestos and chromium is pointed out as the cause of lung cancer. It is known that the addition of smoking habits to the exposure of these substances increases the likelihood of lung cancer. In addition, genetic factors and the past history of respiratory diseases are factors that cause lung cancer.
The innermost surface of the uterus is called the endometrium. This endometrium repeats the process of thickening and then thinning about every month. Menstruation occurs when the thickened endometrial layer falls off.Endometrial cancer is a disease in which cancer composed of abnormal cells occurs in these endometries. It is also called "cervical cancer" because cancer occurs in the endometrium and grows into the muscle layer that makes up most of the uterus. The incidence of this disease is higher in the West than in the East. However, as our lifestyle has become westernized in recent years, the incidence of this disease is gradually increasing. Risk factors for endometrial cancer include atypical endometrial hyperplasia, early menopause, late menopause, obesity, extrinsic estrogen administration, and a history of breast cancer. Early diagnosis and proper treatment can expect good results. It happens often around the age of 55. Obesity, fertility (sterility), diabetes, thyroid, old-age menopause after the age of 52, and a family history of endometrial cancer or breast cancer are presumed to be risk factors.
Colon cancer and rectal cancer refer to malignant tumors that occur in the mucous membranes of the large intestine and rectum, respectively. Colon cancer can occur in the colon or anywhere in the rectum with the colon mucosa, but it occurs most often in the S-phase colon and rectum. The cause of colon cancer is hereditary factors that account for about 10 to 30% of all colon cancers. Next, there are environmental factors that we can prevent by self-regulating and avoiding causes in advance.First, colorectal cancer caused by genetic factors includes familial polyp and hereditary cost-related colorectal cancer. In the case of familial polyp, it is common in people in their 20s and 30s, and 95% of patients develop before the age of 45. Hundreds to thousands of adenomas occur in the large intestine, resulting in diarrhea, abdominal pain, and rectal bleeding. In the case of hereditary nasal polyp colon cancer, there is a high risk of developing various cancers, including colon cancer.Next, environmental factors are food intake. In particular, excessive intake of animal fat and meat consumption (especially red meat) act as factors that promote the occurrence of colon cancer. In addition, obese patients have a high risk of colon cancer because insulin resistance increases and IGF-1 increases to stimulate the intestinal membrane.
About 90% of malignant tumors in the liver are hepatocellular carcinoma, about 10% are bile duct cell carcinoma, and very few are other cancers. Since hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common, \'hepatic carcinoma' refers to hepatocellular carcinoma.Liver cancer occurs especially in Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, China, and Africa. Liver cancer ranks third in cancer deaths among men in Korea, especially among men in their 40s and 50s About 80% of liver cancer occurs in the presence of cirrhosis, and the remaining 20% occurs in chronic hepatitis B or C. However, on the contrary, chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis does not all cause liver cancer. Even patients with chronic hepatitis B can significantly reduce the incidence of liver cancer if they are properly treated with antiviral drugs to prevent the progression or deterioration of cirrhosis. Excessive drinking itself causes alcoholic cirrhosis and liver cancer, but it also promotes liver cancer caused by other chronic liver diseases. Therefore, abstinence is especially important in patients with chronic liver disease.Liver cancer can occur in Africa by consuming a substance called aflatoxin, which is present in fungi such as rotten peanuts and corn. It is known that there is no toxin in Meju in Korea, so you can relax.
Malignancies that occur in the stomach include gastric adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, submucosal tumors, and smooth muscle tumors. Gastric adenocarcinoma accounts for 98 percent of this. So gastric cancer is generally referred to as gastric adenocarcinoma.Gastric cancer occurs in the mucous membrane of the stomach. Over time, it infiltrates the submucosal layer, the muscle layer, the submucosal layer, and the submucosal layer. Gastric cancer spreads widely in the stomach along the mucous membrane or submucosal layer, and also spreads deeply from the mucous membrane layer toward the serous layer. It can spread along lymphatic glands around the stomach, or to various parts of the liver, lungs, bones, etc. by blood flow. Causes of gastric cancer include chronic atrophic gastritis, intestinal dysplasia, gastrointestinal anastomosis, dietary factors, Helicobacter pylori infection, genetic factors, and other environmental factors. 1. Chronic atrophic atrophic gastritis is a type of precursor lesion at high risk of gastric cancer. It takes 16 to 24 years to develop gastric cancer. 2. Intestinal dysplasia of gastric mucosal cells is known as a pre-stage lesion of gastric cancer. 3. Gastric acidity decreases after surgery to connect the gastrointestinal anastomosis and the small intestine. This causes germs to multiply and bacteria to cluster. As a result, 20 years after surgery, the risk of developing gastric cancer increases three to five times.4. Dietary factors An important cause of stomach cancer is diet factors. Nitrate compounds (food treatments, salted foods, processed meat, smoked foods), high-salt foods (salt vegetables, salted fish), burned foods, alcohol, and cigarettes increase the risk of stomach cancer. Vegetables, fruits, vitamins, etc. have anti-cancer effects. 5. Helicobacter pylori infection If infected with Helicobacter pylori, the risk of developing gastric cancer increases 2.8 to 6 times.6. Genetic factors: Patients with adenomatous colon polyps, a dominant genetic disease, are about seven times more likely to develop gastric cancer than in the general population. If you have stomach cancer or colon cancer in your immediate family, you should have a regular checkup for stomach cancer. 7. Environmental factors that cause stomach cancer include asbestos, iron dust, pollution, ionizing radiation, smoking, preservatives, pesticides, and industrial waste. Unfortunately, most stomach cancers don't show any symptoms early on.
Breast cancer refers to all the malignancies that occur in the breast. Breast cancer causes abnormal tissue in the breast to continue to grow or spread to other organs It's a fatal disease. Breast cancer has long been the number one cancer in women in the United States. The number of breast cancer cases in Korea has been increasing steadily, and in 2001, it was the most common cancer among women It's become a lot of cancer. So far, it's a continuous growth trend. It is difficult to determine the cause of breast cancer. However, the westernized diet represented by high fat and high calories, and the resulting obesity, Due to late marriage, declining birth rate, avoiding lactation, early onset of menopause, The increase in the total duration of exposure to estrogen is a factor I think the risk factors for breast cancer are as follows.- Women in their 40s and post-40s with a family history of breast cancer - premenstrual age before 14 - menopause age after 50 - never experienced full term delivery - first full term delivery after 35 - not breastfeeding - women weighing more than 63kg, or obesity index above 25
Thyroid cancer is cancer in the thyroid gland.The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located in the protruding part of the front of the neck, 2 to 3 cm of the ulna. Thyroid hormones that are secreted here stimulate the metabolic process of the human body, so that all organs function properly It is responsible for maintaining it.If thyroid cancer is left untreated, As with other cancers, metastases can progress to surrounding organs and lose lives. About 5% are diagnosed with cancer if a lump is touched in the thyroid gland and tested.
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